
Calm the F Down was a 4-week series of classes held in October 2021, in celebration of World Mental Health Awareness Month. Each session incorporated a short meditation and pranayama practice, followed by embodied mindful movement (typically a yin yoga or gentle flow sequence), ending with a restorative pranayama (or a healing sound bath) before drifting off into sweet savasana.
All the class recordings are available below for all of you to access and enjoy at any time, especially during those times that you feel stressed or anxious, and in need of self-regulating. I hope these videos provide the comfort and support that you may need or be looking for.

Week 1

In this 60-minute practice, we start off with a short breath awareness meditation and sama vritti pranayama practice (5:5 ratio). It is then followed by a hip-focused yin yoga practice with 4:6 resonance breath, ending with a short restorative pranayama (5:5 sama vritti with 2-second khumbaka), before we find our way into savasana.

Week 3

This 60-minute practice opens with a loving kindness meditation, followed by a heart-opening yin yoga practice. During the yin practice, we have the option to observe a 4:6 resonance breath. After the yin practice, we start to slowly wind down – first with a short pranayama practice (4:7:8 Vishama Vritti) followed by yoga nidra (aka yogic sleep).

Week 2

For this 60-minute practice, we begin with a body scan meditation and a short pranayama practice called Breath of Joy. A gentle flow (use of props is optional) follows afterwards as our mindful movement. We then wind down with a restorative pranayama (Bhramari or Humming Bee Breath), ending in a restful savasana.

Week 4

For this 60-minute practice, we explore the idea of connection. We reconnect with the earth through a grounding yin yoga sequence after a short external orienting and inner landscape practice. This is then followed by a balancing pranayama called Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing), ending with a healing sound bath by guest teacher Arianne.

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